Robotics Club
We recently chatted to TOM WELLS who participates in our weekly Robotics Club…
Why did you get interested in robotics?
I got interested in robotics because it seemed like a fun club to try out and it’s related to what I want to do, programming….
Have you been doing robotics at school for a long time?
I began the robotics club about a year ago when it first started.
What benefits does attending the robotics club have?
The robotics club teaches people how to solve problems using their own intuition and initiative, by coming up with ideas on their own, or in teams, to solve a problem.
Do you have a good relationship with the robot club classmates?
Yes, everyone in the robotics club is very enthusiastic and friendly.
Last summer you were an assistant in the robotics class at summer school. How was the experience?
It was great learning how to properly stick to routine and being able to manage a class of students, I’m glad that I was able to be an assistant.
Do you intend to study something related to robotics in the future?
Yes, hopefully, something related to robotics, as I strive to become a software engineer, and possibly specialize in robotics in a university course.
Finally, what would you say to students who are thinking of joining the robotics club?
Have a go at it, you don’t know if you’ll like it or not unless you try. If you like problem-solving then the robotics club might be for you.