Career Development Week

In Y10 at LES our students have the opportunity to gain experience in the workplace in our summer term. Students must identify an area of interest, approach the business and secure their unpaid position for the week. This experience is proved to be a valuable educational experience which then forms the basis for the development of their future career and educational pathway.

A special mention to our Head of Year 10, Claire Hasirci who facilitated the organisation of this initiative and prepared our students for this valuable educational experience with CV and interview skill workshops.

Here are some testimonials from our students:


“Throughout the week I worked at Hamiltons an estate agency based in Moraira but whom have offices in other places nearby. I learnt a lot in my time there and really didn’t want to leave. I enjoyed the welcoming environment I was met with and the trust the other employees had with me, especially the boss Helen who gave me the opportunity to work here. I learnt everything from sales and rentals to property search, marketing and social media too.

I was lucky enough to have a woman named Becky take me under her wing and look after me for most of the week and show me what she does on her day to day. We went on trips to places to film for socials and really sell the places we live so near too. Overall I really enjoyed my work experience and it gave me a good idea of the real working world and not just the dream we live in at the moment. Stepping out of my comfort zone to walk in the office for the first day too also gave me a huge confidence boost to just be yourself and realise that some things aren’t so bad after all. I wish I never had to leave the office as I enjoyed my time so much.

And as a thank you to everybody who welcomed me so nicely I made brownies on the last day to show my appreciation, which they loved.”


I did my work experience week at a vets called Minina&Kanina in the port. During this time I learnt a lot about what it’s like working as a vet who does consultations. I got to meet many different clients with different needs to attend to, such as a paw wound infection, a weak immune system, recovering from a stroke, getting vaccinated, etc.

I really loved this experience as it was very interesting to see how my vet dealt with different situations. She not only used the typical synthetic medicine, but also a more holistic approach. I learned about different treatment techniques which incorporated natural remedies and viewing the whole body as interconnected both physically and mentally.

I also found it inspiring and wholesome to see how much the owners cared for their animal companions; the worry on their faces when there was something wrong, but also the relief and appreciation after receiving help. Among the medical knowledge and skill, there was also a lot of human connection involved (and of course lots of petting cute dogs).

Overall I’m glad I got this experience as I developed a greater understanding of working as a vet; the medical field being something I may consider for the future.”